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LReport is a select results
reporting tool. The main intended users of this tool are testers. The project is hosted on Source Forge. You can find the details and some documentation here. If you have any comments please post a message in an appropriate project's forum. If you want to contact me personaly, you can reach me at pkaluski@users.sourceforge.net. What is LReport The purpose There are different methodologies describing how to create test cases, how to manage them. But regardless on the methodology, execution of most of test cases (in business applications) looks like this: Check the interesting database tables, run test scenario, check interesting tables again and document your observations. The purpose of LReport is to help you with the checking and documenting phase. The problem In all projects I was in, documenting database contents was always a problem. When you think about it, there are 2 extrema. One extremum is that you put in your report only data, which you consider important. That means that you report only important tables and only important columns of these tables. On the other side, you can report all tables, which may be affected by executed actions and if you report any table, you report all columns. Whatever the approach, reports are created by copying and pasting selects' results from tools like OraTool, Rapid SQL, SqlPlus, isql etc. This way of doing things works fine for many projects, but I believe there is some space for significant improvement here. The common approach I was describing above has the following problems:
I think that the
first and the second point needs no further explanation. However, the
third does.
If you place only selected columns from selected tables, nicely formated - then your report is readable. But there are 2 problems with going this way.
Pasting all columns from many tables has the advantage of completness. But this kind of reports are hardly readable, especially when you report many tables and some of them contains 80 or more columns. So the design goals for LReport was to: 1. Automaticaly create nicely formated reports from selected tables. 2. Automate finding differences between results of the group of selects 3. Find a solution to readability vs completeness contradiction 4. Ease of use In short, this is
how I have done it: